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The Christmas Present Project

Our Christmas Present Project provides a gift to a local child with a parent in county jail, New York State or Federal prison. Children are referred to us through our partnership with Prison Fellowship's Angel Tree® program or personal recommendation. $25 is all it costs to make an innocent child's Christmas just a little bit better.

The Birthday

Card Club

We make sure our kids know we are thinking of them on their special day! A birthday card with a token gift is sent to each child we serve. This program is for children under the age of 18.

Summer/Winter Kids Camp Program 

We have partnered with Camp Pattersonville, Sacandaga Bible Conference, Word of Life Camp in Upstate NY and Capital District Youth for Christ to provide a wholesome, fun and educational Christian experience. Available for kids ages 5 through 18 who come from a home affected by incarceration. Day Camp, Overnight Camp, Summer Camp, and Snow Camp options are available. Scholarships are available. 

Men's and Women's

When you lose a loved one to incarceration, it is often a shock with physical, financial and emotional consequences. We provide an opportunity for those affected by incarceration to spend time away from one's normal life for the purpose of resting, relating and reconnecting with God and others.  Women attend an annual retreat where women from all walks of life connect.  A men's golf outing is planned for the Spring of 2022!

Friendship Around the Bible

Sometimes it just helps to be with others who can relate to your situation. These get-togethers are a safe place to share whatever you want in a non-judgmental environment with others who "get it". Relationships are forged that can change lives and positively influence family legacies and, therefore, entire communities. Short-term Christian studies are incorporated throughout the year. We may facilitate these ourselves or join another group/organization. Some of our past studies include: "The End of Me: Where Real Life in the Upside-Down Ways of Jesus Begins" by Kyle Idleman; "Safe People: How to Find Relationships That Are Good for You and Avoid Those That Aren't" by Cloud & Townsend; "Broken Crayons Still Color: From Our Mess to God's Masterpiece" by Shelley Hitz; the "Alpha" course.

Write Now ™ 

This program is for the inmates of the families we work with. Based on NY State DOCCS Rules and Regulations, our pen-pal program reconciles the inmate to God, their family and their community. Click here for more info.

Visitation and Package Assistance

Helping children, parents, and siblings of the incarcerated visit their loved ones. We provide transportation for family members to visits at NYS facilities. Federal and/or out-of-state visits Inmate care packages are provided on behalf of their family members or Write Now pen-pals up to twice per year. 

Family Embraced® Training 

Let us help your church, organization or group discover how to best serve the family members in your community who are affected by incarceration. This course, developed by Angel Tree, puts a realistic focus on the needs of these families, educates on the realities of how incarceration affects generations of their neighbors and assists community members in self-discovery of what areas they would be best suited to serve. Beacon of Light provides an experienced facilitator FREE of charge. The course can be scheduled over 8 weeks/2 hours per session OR as a 2 day seminar. There is a modest fee to cover course materials. 

If you would like to know more about our ministry or support the work we are doing as a volunteer, please contact us at (518) 982-0179.



Living honestly with self and others.



Mending relationships with God, families, and community (including victims, when appropriate.)



Accepting ownership of choices, behaviors, and their consequences.



Working together to make a healthy, infraction-free community.



Giving and receiving honest feedback and encouragement.



Learning the value of work, education, and contribution to the community.



"Train up a child in the way he should go. Even when he is old he will not depart from it."

- Prov. 22:6

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